Up to -30% discount on hassle-free journey add-ons
In order to make your hassle-free journey with Last Minute rent a car even more affordable we have reduced our insurance and road assistance fees up to -30%!
Discount applies to the following additional services:
Our smart insurance package enables You reduced liability for the car damages and it decreases amount of the required deposit.
Our premium insurance package provides You with absolute peace of mind during Your travel journey. It reduces Your liability for car damages to ZERO and it significantly decreases amount of the required deposit.
Road Assistance is highly recommended as it provides You with a total care-free car rental experience, especially in combination with our full insurance. It provides You 24/7 roadside assistance which is totally free of charge.
For the best price of these additional fees contact us at reservations@rentacarlastminute.hr and enjoy the peace of mind during your rental.
P.S. Don’t forget to enjoy your journey as much as the destination.